Working Groups
Who Can Access NTSF Working Groups?
In accordance with the NTSF Charter, Planning Committee and ad hoc working group participation is open only to State, Tribal, and Federal NTSF members. NTSF "members" means officers or employees of the Federal government or elected officers of State and Tribal governments (or their designated employees with authority to act on their behalf) who engage in the NTSF working groups or committees. This includes elected officers and employees of State regional groups (SRGs) and authorized inter-Tribal organizations. The NTSF Chair approves new members, as appropriate.
If you are a current member of the NTSF Planning Committee or an NTSF ad hoc working group (AHWG), contact the DOE-lead for your committee/working group to confirm your access and receive instructions for account registration.
Some public information from completed AHWG projects is available through the links below.
NTSF Planning Committee
The Planning Committee is composed solely of NTSF members and assists the Chair in developing agendas or topics for Annual Meetings and webinars and prioritizing issues for AHWGs. The NTSF Chair leads the planning committee.
NTSF Ad Hoc Working Groups
NTSF ad hoc working groups (AHWGs) provide opportunities for NTSF members to make group recommendations to DOE on particular transportation issues. As issues are identified, the NTSF Chair will determine the priority for establishing an ad hoc working group (AHWG) with input from the Planning Committee in accordance with the process for standing up an AHWG as outlined in the NTSF Management Plan.
Past AHWGs
Information on past NTSF AHWGs may be requested from Ellen Edge in DOE's Office of Environmental Management.